Special Pre-K Evaluation

Yesterday I took Carsyn to the school he will be going to once he turns three. See our CDSA services end at three years of age and he gets turned over to the school system. So we went in and they asked me a bunch of questions and tried to figure out all that Carsyn…
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Cerebral Palsy Clinic

Yesterday we took Carsyn to the Cerebral Palsy Clinic at Duke. It was a really great appointment, even if we got there two hours early. Big OPPS on my part!!! I had written down 10am as the appointment time but his appointment wasn’t until noon. So we had to wait two hours to see the…
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My Rock Star

If you all remember Carsyn went for a hip x-ray back in December you can read about that here. Well yesterday we met with the Orthopedic Surgeon and boy am I glad we picked him. I will call him Dr.R. He was amazing. Dr. R checked out Carsyn’s hip x-rays on the computer and said…
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Hip Update

Well last time we had Carsyn’s hip x-ray done his right hip was about 30% uncovered. This time his right hip was about 40-50% uncovered and his left hip was about 30% uncovered. Not good!! So we are scheduling an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to see about doing some muscle releasing surgery in his…
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Carsyn Taking His “First Steps”
Today was the very first day that Carsyn has propelled himself in his gait trainer. I am sooooo happy. Before he would require a push on the handle on the back. He sure made me proud and made me tear up. I have been waiting for this day for about a year and a half. What a wonderful gift on Thanksgiving! Grab the tissues.
A God Thing
Today I went out thrifting to find some frames for the upcoming Christmas Mini Shoots. I found out about a newer store in my town and decided to meet my friend Tera there. I was perusing the shop and found a pair of sock monkey mittens. The owner walked over to me and told me that was the free table and those used to be her daughters. Then she goes on to tell me that her daughter tragically died at 12 years old in an accident 2 months ago. I was just about done looking around and found a frame and she said it was part of the free stuff. I asked if she had any bigger frames and she said she had one in the back I could have. She brought the frame out and I said it would be perfect.
I went on to tell her about my business and how I was doing mini photo shoots. Since she was so nice, giving and sweet I told her I would love to do a mini shoot for her family for free. She started telling me how much she regretted not having her photos taken with her daughter while she was alive. We were all in tears at this point. I told her that is why I do what I do. I volunteer for Inspiration Through Art to capture memories of families with kids with special needs. I know her daughter isn’t here any longer but I felt compelled to take their photos with their two remaining girls. She told me all about her daughter and how she was the photogenic one. She had made her own bucket list with her youth group and finished some of them before she passed away. What an inspiration!
I can not wait to take their photos and I hope to keep in touch with her. I will be returning to her store and support her. She is such an amazingly strong woman.
Go Fly A Kite & Get Kissed By A Dog
Superman Carsyn in his Mustang

So excited that Carsyn finally got his gait trainer, which is called Mustang. It will take a while for him to get used to it. Right now he just stands there, but we will work on it. I have a month and 10 days till Halloween to get him walking. He does look pretty cute…
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Carsyn’s Gait Trainer!!

YAY! The company called me today and said they are delivering Carsyn’s gait trainer to our house tomorrow!! This is so awesome and unexpected, one they told me it wouldn’t be there till the 21st, two I was thinking I would have to drive up to Virginia to get it, and three I was thinking…
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