Today was the very first day that Carsyn has propelled himself in his gait trainer. I am sooooo happy. Before he would require a push on the handle on the back. He sure made me proud and made me tear up. I have been waiting for this day for about a year and a half. What a wonderful gift on Thanksgiving! Grab the tissues.
Tag Archives: gait trainer
Superman Carsyn in his Mustang

So excited that Carsyn finally got his gait trainer, which is called Mustang. It will take a while for him to get used to it. Right now he just stands there, but we will work on it. I have a month and 10 days till Halloween to get him walking. He does look pretty cute…
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Carsyn’s Gait Trainer!!

YAY! The company called me today and said they are delivering Carsyn’s gait trainer to our house tomorrow!! This is so awesome and unexpected, one they told me it wouldn’t be there till the 21st, two I was thinking I would have to drive up to Virginia to get it, and three I was thinking…
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